Plenary: The domestic batterer as parent (qualifies for 2.0 GAL hours)

This presentation will begin by examining the established profile of men who abuse women, describing the power dynamics and the psychologically poisoned atmosphere that an abuser creates for children in the home. We then discuss at some of the specific risks to children that are present in the batterer’s parenting style, including the high overlap with physical and sexual abuse. Next, we examine the impact the batterer has on the parenting of the abused woman, and consider the binds she faces in attempting to protect her children. We confront the myth that the children’s problems are solved when their mother leaves the batterer, which connects to other misconceptions that can cause well-intentioned interventions to turn dangerous. The presentation concludes by giving an overview of best practices to effectively promote safety and healing for children and their mothers.
Speaker: Lundy Bancroft, author, Northampton, MA